Monday, July 13, 2009

Back in the US of A

We have officially returned as of midnight last night! I am sorry for not being able to keep up with my blogging because Pastor Mike left with the laptop and the only other times I went on the computer were for 2 minutes. A lot went on since I've last updated! A group of friends came down on my birthday (18! woohoo!). The new dynamic was awesome, and it was great to see everyone again. We did some work in the project, like painting a room and organizing a store room. The guys pulled a bunch of stumps out of the forest. Church services were awesome, and so were the youth. Everyone there mirrors the majesty and beauty around them in their hearts and lives.

It's hard to imagine that I woke up yesterday in Panimaquin and surveyed mountain ranges before me. That I walked through a cloud to view the cities far below me. And then that I got on two different planes and arrived back here at home. I'm humbled by how much I really have. Even seeing carpet again was a big deal to me! I live an incredibly blessed life, and I don't always realize it. I am so grateful for the 31 days I was able to spend in Guatemala, and for the things that God moved and did in me during that time. I've learned how to be messy with Him in my prayers. How to be real and transparent before Him and others. I've also learned a lot about trust. Going to a foriegn country for a month was something that I never thought I would be able to do. And really, I didn't do it on my own. It was solely by God's strength that I was able to. When I felt weak, I had no other distractions to run to but His arms. I had to learn to trust Him to walk me through the dark places inside of myself. And now I feel like there's a peace inside. A peace that the Lord will take care of me and my future, all I need to do is follow Him. Wherever He leads, whatever He calls me to do, I'm willing. I pray to keep this stance and this heart and not let it fade into my "busy" American life.


Bill said...

"Your faith has made you whole."

Just speaking from the "old guy" perspective, Sarah, I am... more than impressed... I love the honesty and realness that flows through your writing.

Your accomplishments there, for them, for Him, and in yourself... are more than anything I've ever done. And, though I know you'd be quick to give Him all the credit..., still..., He chose you for a reason. Always be proud of that. As your Father, He is.

Drew Coffman said...

How great it is that you learn so much about dependence on God through independence from everyone else. Going to Guatemala for that long is so awesome, and I'm glad to have been a part of the latter portion of the trip.

What you said about busyness is so true - that's a goal for me as well, to not let the experience become just an experience. Instead, I want it to continue to change the way I both live and look towards God.

Anonymous said...

God did such amazing things in you on that trip and all of it was beautiful to watch.

Sarah said...

Bill- Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. It really means a lot to me. :)

Drew- Indeed.

Alicia- Thank you! I really had an amazing time with you, and I'm glad our friendship was able to grow as it did. You are a very wonderful woman of God and a blessing to have in my life. Really.

Robyn said...

God is so good at Recovery work, isn't He?

I'm very proud of you. Going for a month was a huge step of independence for you. Keep reaching for greater levels of independence in Him.

You all are making great Kingdom highways wherever you go. You are blessed and highly favored by the King of Kings!