Saturday, October 10, 2009


I tend to be a pretty negative person, and not very thankful at all. And the remedy for that is thanking God. Sometimes this can be a hard start for me, so I begin with the obvious: thank You for breath. And, on days when I’m feeling particularly cynical and aren't so thankful that I’m breathing, I take a step back and look at my life thus far. From being addicted to feeling freedom, thank You God. From considering dropping out of high school and moving to Boston as a favorable option to being a full-time college student, thank You Lord. From living in a broken home and being broken myself to living in a community of people who truly love and care about me and are usually more committed to my future than I am, thank You Jesus. From living a life riddled with aching muscles and sleepless nights to feeling like a fairly normal and healthy eighteen year old girl, thank You God. At this point I can take a deep breath, realizing I could go on for hours. And my eyes are filled with light and wonder and He is good and I am so so blessed.

("Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, your body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have!"
-Matthew 6:22-23)


The Potter said...

you are awesome! Thank God for you and your good heart.

Drew Coffman said...

Interestingly enough, one of the big pieces of the Coral House is their giant corkboards full of little notes displaying their thanks.

They would put little notes describing what they are thankful for in a box throughout the week, and then get together at the end of the week to look at all of them and add them to the board. Looking at life in that respect - and how much there is to be thankful about - is sadly much different than our typical mindset.

I'm thankful for remembering that.

Alexis said...

I'm really glad you took this approach, instead of the "well, it could always be worse so I should be grateful." Because, let's face it, for someone out there it couldn't be worse. So they have nothing to thank God for? Nah.
Jesus reminds us that even when we are walking in authority, we should rejoice that our names are written in heaven. I think that's such a great perspective. No matter what's going on in this life, we are chosen by God.

Robyn said...

So much to be thankful for...

I'm thankful for you in my life and for the wisdom of God who put you there...

Bill said...

Praying with you... :)

Robyn said...

Happy New Year!

Lucy said...

And then you disappear.

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